Re-assign search.ini search engine section numbers automatically w/ UltraEdit script

If you do not want to use a full-fletched search.ini editor to customize that file to suite your personal needs in terms of searching, then you can certainly use a plain text editor. it is time consuming and unpleasant, though, to re-assign consecutive numbers to the search engines' .ini sections.

If UltraEdit™ (as of versions 15+, I guess) is your editor, then you can use the attached UltraEdit-Javascript to automate the process of giving numbers to search engines. …

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xaGeolocationAPI – HTML5 Geolocation API emulation layer (UserJS)

Opera v10.60+ has built-in Geolocation support. But you may perhaps want to modify this UserJS script to report static coordinates for your desktop machine…

As of version 10.50 and 10.51 there is still no Geolocation API support built into Opera – the short intermezzo in some development snapshots left aside.

Thus I wrote a UserJS to address this issue. It returns a hard coded geographic position via a standard Geolocation API if requested by the browser and if permitted (on a case-by-case basis) by the user. So it's mostly useful for peoples hardly-moving desktop machines. 😉

It supports the geolocation methods getCurrentPosition(…), watchPosition(…) and clearWatch(…) as well as the interfaces Position and Coordinates for the returned objects up to the point it's reasonable for a static, ie non-moving, geographic location. Thus it virtually emulates the W3C Geolocation API Specification (Editor's Draft 10 February 2010). …

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