Open-A-Thing ˣᵃ — Open Anything

On different occasions a new context menu item is made available, allowing you to easily do different things:

  • Selected text:
    → Open a selected plain text url like for example in ”this is selected“
    → Search for arbitrary text using a user definable search engine
  • Frame or inline frame:
    → Maximize that frame, ie open the frame’s url in a new tab
  • A media item, eg an image, a canvas element or a video:
    → Open source url of media item

Shuffle Extension Toolbar – A toolbar customization helper extension for Chromium/Opera/Vivaldi


‼ Go to Opera »» Extensions »» Shuffle Extension Toolbar »» Options.



The distinct sequence, in which the so called browser actions are displayed in the browser toolbar, is initially determined by the order, in which you have installed the respective extensions. It is stored as a list in a preferences file.


You can find the file in the folder given as ”Profile“ path in the ”Paths“ section of your browser’s »chrome://about« or »opera:about« page, respectively; it will be called ”Preferences“.


Make a backup of that file!


This extension then lets you re-order the sequence of browser action buttons of installed extensions using the pointer device and drag-and-drop.


Once your desired ordering has been established, you might want to copy the readily formatted data (it’s actually in JSON format) from the export area – which you will easily spot below the table of extensions with toolbar buttons – into the clipboard, open the very same ”Preferences“ file from above, find the line starting with

»”toolbar”: [ … ]«,

and paste the new data overwriting the entire existing section.


Do this while your browser ist *not* runing!


Once you saved the ”Preferences“ file and startup your browser again, the toolbar icons representing extensions should be in the order you arranged them.

XenoWikipedia – Lookup things on Wikipedia

XenoWikipedia is an address field (aka omnibox) extension that lets you easily lookup things in the various language variants of the online encyclopedia.


Type ”wx“ into the address field followed by a space separated optional edition- or language code and the token you are referring Wikipedia for.

For example type:

wx de xeno


Get it from the Opera Addon repository:
»» XenoWikipedia

Get it as extension from the Google™ Chrome Web Store:
»» XenoWikipedia


If you want to reward my efforts by a bitcoin donation (1NgX5eA2wxX6YizWb9VgYZZdNPBu8t4gW1 [QR]), then you are welcome. 🙂


Screenshot of a sample Wikipedia research using XenoWik
Screenshot of a sample Wikipedia research using XenoWiki